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Sorceress lyrics by Cancer Bats

Cancer Bats Sorceress lyrics
  • track 6 of 15, total running time
  • album Hail Destroyer
  • released in 2008
  • produced by
  • record label
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Sorceress song lyrics

Off my chest
Little girl you're at the top of my shit list
I swear to god you're the worst piece of trash I've met
In a long while
All the back talk
And the lies
You couldn't speak the truth if you tried
I'm surprised you even show your face around
After whats gone down
Hey hey you little train wreck
Your crying wolf shit is over rated
Hey hey you little train wreck
That you're the worst is an understatement
Burn those bridges down
I swear little girl you'll set the city on fire
Off my chest
That shit you talked got me pretty god damned stressed
Worst part is I'm just one case in a long line
That you've fucked with
Worse stories can't compare
To all the shit that you've done in a year
I swear karma's gonna burn you down like a witch
Paybacks a bitch
Hey hey you little train wreck
Your crying wolf shit is over rated
Hey hey you little train wreck
That you're the worst is an understatement
Burn those bridges down
I swear little girl you'll set the city on fire
If you lit a match for every lie that you told
Everything around you will be engulfed in flames
Oh, god I've got to get this...
Off my chest
Oh little girl you're at the top of my shit list
I swear to Christ you're the worst person I've ever met
In my entire life
Shit talker two timer
You're called out as a god damn liar
Every single word that you say is untrue
Every one hates you
Hey hey you little train wreck
Your crying wolf shit is over rated
Hey hey you little train wreck
That you're the worst is an understatement

More info about Sorceress lyrics

check here the lyrics for Sorceress, the 6th song of the 15 recorded for the album Hail Destroyer, with a total running time of , by Cancer Bats. It was released on via , and produced by .
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